Being a wife, mother to 5 kids and home schooling them can take up a lot of time. But beginning of this year I decided to sign up for online schooling at Aromahead. I have always loved aromatherapy since I was in college 27 years ago (yikes) studying to become an aesthetician and a massage therapist, but I never got serious about studying essential oils specifically, until now. I have also for quite many years been into the natural approach when it came to our health.
I started to do online research and study by myself but the information out there was quite overwhelming and also contradicting. Having kids at different ages, being pregnant and nursing over the last 2 1/2 years, and having a cat all play into the equation when using essential oils safely. I most definitely didn’t wanna be responsible for injuring my children or killing the cat so I figured that I should really learn all I could about the oils since they were here to stay, the oils that is 😉
Now finding time to do the school is another thing, even writing this little blurb wasn’t easy. I had to close the laptop when I tried to write this earlier because some little fingers were pushing on random keys while using the computer as a slide for the toys. I try to get some little time here and there when I can do some lessons, but I sometimes have to watch webinars and do hands on activities and that can be difficult with kids climbing on you, or chasing around you, or asking for this and that. But I’m really enjoying what I’m learning and will find time to do what I need to so I can graduate.
It’s time to get the kids to bed now I think because my 2 year old just climbed on me and has me in a headlock with her legs, and is pinching my nose and saying “I got your nose” lol.